Our focus is on streamlining work processes, making organizations leaner, faster, and more productive. We facilitate discovery of the Right Work to do, and discard the wrong work. Organizations working to improve performance typically address the challenge by changing the technology, having consultants redesign the work flow, or even by adding headcount. What is unfortunate about these solutions is that they are often done to the work force rather than with the work force, and don’t address the question to the people who really know: What is the Right Work for us to do, the work that adds the most value?
Adding people or automating an inefficient process often results in doing the wrong work faster or better, but it doesn’t eliminate the stupid work. We believe that work processes must be streamlined in step with technology, not as its victim.
Finding the Right Work must ultimately engage all functions, from concept to customer. This seems obvious, but few organizations truly dedicate themselves to this central truth.